Melanotan 2 All You Need To Know: Dosage, Side Effects (+Source)

Melanotan II should be on your purchasing list if you can’t live without a dark even tan and a fast-acting, long-lasting erection!

This synthetic peptide hormone darkens skin pigment and may enhance erectile activity, according to a study team at the University of Arizona in the late 1990s


What is Melanotan II

Melanotan II, an injectable drug, has enticed users with the promise of sun-free tans and increased sexual stamina for years. Is the risk worth it? Melanotan II was created with the intention of reducing the risk of skin cancer, and it clearly does so. Your body will be prompted to generate an exponentially higher level of melanin after taking Melanotan II. Because melanin is the primary factor that determines skin color, the more melanin you make, the darker your skin can get!

Melanotan is a chemical created in a laboratory. It resembles a hormone produced by the human body. It was created as a medication to aid in the treatment of certain skin disorders. It’s also available as a supplement on the internet. Melanotan is a common skin tanning agent. It’s also claimed to help men with erectile dysfunction (ED), treat rosacea, and treat fibromyalgia, among other things, but there’s no solid scientific proof to back up most of these claims. Melanotan may not be safe when taken as an injection under the skin, according to some experts. 

Melanotan II analog of alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone (a-MSH). Melanotan peptides are safe and efficacious with growing long term data. Melanotan 2 is a freeze dried peptide sealed in a sterile multi-use vial. Tanning injections of synthetic potent a-MSH allow for development of photo-protective suntans in all skin types

Watch the video below to get an idea of what Melanotan II is all about.

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The Study & Development 

Melanotan II originally caught the public’s attention when it was advertised as a Viagra-like solution for middle-aged men by the mainstream media. After Melanotan II was modified for human use and put through clinical trials, Levine reported that “one very astute observer who took this drug told us that he was developing spontaneous erections.” Norman Levine, a dermatologist who led the team that developed the drug, had first conducted experiments in which he darkened the pigments of frogs by injecting them with a hormone called Alpha MSH. 

The Melanotan II peptide and its metabolite, the erectile dysfunction-focused Bremelanotide (also known as PT-141), were patented and subsequently licensed to biotechnology companies in the early 2000s with the hopes of developing them into successful prescription medications. These companies, on the other hand, sell the peptides directly to researchers. Because the peptides are prohibited for human use outside of clinical trials, these transactions fall into a legal murky area. While they can be purchased from a variety of websites that specialize in research chemicals, the buyer must normally confirm before finalizing the transaction that the peptide “would not be utilized for human consumption” and is being acquired for “research purposes exclusively.” 

Although obtaining Melanotan II and Bremelanotide is relatively simple, both substances come in powder form and must be reconstituted with sterile water before being administered subcutaneously—a method of administration that can result in skin bruising, cross-contamination, or infection if the person administering the injection is inexperienced or the syringe isn’t clean. 

Despite these disadvantages, Melanotan and Bremelanotide are now widely used in specific subcultures, such as the “gay muscle” scene. Bodybuilder Zander Wiebe told Motherboard, “You’ve got this stuff, specifically PT-141—which makes you want to have sex with everyone and everything—really making the rounds.” “People are mixing it in with other performance-enhancing drugs in their sex parties.” 

Melanotan II was shown to be a powerful promoter of male erections during clinic studies for its use as a tanning agent. Bremelanotide, a novel medication based on melanotan II, was created to take advantage of this feature. Several studies have found that it increases the hardness and duration of male erections, as well as male sexual desire. In patients with sexual arousal problem, it has also been proven to increase female sexual desire. 

Melanotan II replicates the effect of melanocortin peptides in a non-selective manner. These are hormones that have a role in pigmentation, energy balance, sexual function, the immune system, inflammation, and cardiovascular health. Melanotan II, like Melanotan I (afamelanotide), increases the formation of eumelanin, which causes the skin to darken (tanning). 

The Food and Drug Administration, as well as its counterparts in other countries, have repeatedly issued Melanotan II advisory notices, asking people to stop using and purchasing this unapproved medicine. The UK’s Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency’s David Carter was adamant in his condemnation, telling potential customers not to be “fooled into thinking that Melanotan offers a shortcut to a more even tan.” 

Robert Love, a urologist in Dallas, knows why Melanotan II is in such high demand in the back channel. He told Motherboard that “people sometimes wish to tackle performance difficulties on their own, without involving a physician, either because they are ashamed or because they may be uninsured or lack enough insurance.” “Handling things this way is not suggested. We have prescription medications that treat erectile dysfunction issues, and there are various means of getting suntans—tanning beds, spray tans—though lengthy outdoor sun exposure should be avoided if possible.”

Wiebe’s anecdotal claims are supported by research., a peptide-focused forum that closed in 2011, had thousands of regular posters, many of whom have since moved on to other forums. Hundreds of people visited six needle exchanges in 2009, according to a BBC report, to get syringes for Melanotan II use. A year later, the Norwegian Pharmacy Association revealed that thousands of syringes had been provided to those who wanted to inject the peptide in Norway alone. Melanotan II, according to Linn Connie Danielsen, a model and blogger, helps alleviate the stressful effects of prolonged winter sun loss, according to the Norwegian daily Verdens Gang. “It’s lovely to see a nice tan in the winter,” she added.

Who Uses Melanotan II

The medicine may be useful in the following situations: generating erections in males with ED (erectile dysfunction) when administered as a shot under the skin, and tanning the skin when given as an injection under the skin. Insufficient evidence to rate effectiveness for preventing skin cancers caused by sun exposure when given as a shot under the skin and other conditions has also been found in some trials. 

Melanotan II Benefits 

Melanotan II was shown to be a powerful promoter of male erections during clinic studies for its use as a tanning agent. Bremelanotide, a novel medication based on melanotan II, was created to take advantage of this feature. Several studies have found that it increases the hardness and duration of male erections, as well as male sexual desire. In patients with sexual arousal problem, it has also been proven to increase female sexual desire. 

Besides these, there are some other benefits of using Melanotan II:

●  Darker tan with less exposure to UV radiation

●  Tanning without sunburn, even for fair-skinned individuals

●  Possible reduction in the risk of Melanoma (skin cancer)

●  Possible reduction in the incidence of sun-damaged skin

●  Possible reduction in body fat

●  No sunburn, n tan lines

●  No sunless tanning streaks or fake tan removal

●  Possible increase libido 

Watch as none other than the pioneers of human evolution, Dr. Tony Huge and his friend Coach Trevor, give us their insights about the benefits of Melanotan II in improving muscle sensitivity.


Melanotan II Side Effects 

Getting that dream erection and a perfect tan seems all well and good, but there are some side effects to consider. When administered under medical supervision to treat ED, Melanotan-II is considered safe. Short term side effects after administration include: 

●  Nausea and vomiting, as well as facial flushing

●  Males get spontaneous erections 1-5 hours after administration (priapism), which are accompanied by yawning and stretching. 

Melanotan II may also increase the risk of: 

●  Melanoma – a potentially fatal form of skin cancer – in the long run. 

●  Moles’ color changes, new moles appear, and atypical melanocytic naevi appear.

●  Melanonychia – a discoloration of one or more nails that ranges from brown to black.

●  Rhabdomyolysis – the destruction of muscle cells, which can be lethal. 

●  Encephalopathy – a type of encephalopathy. If Melanotan II is made incorrectly or needles are shared, there is further concern regarding possible side effects owing to contamination or lack of sterility. 

Here are other side effects that were noticed: 

●  Stomach pains

●  Decreased appetite

●  Weariness

●  Yawning

●  Darker complexion

●  Other effects

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FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Is it okay to take this drug when I am pregnant? Around what trimester can it be safe to use?

There isn’t enough solid data to say whether Melanotan is safe to take while pregnant or breastfeeding. To be on the safe side, avoid using it.

Does this really make my skin darker?

Yes! Countless studies have proven that Melanotan II can help give you the perfect summer look!

Can I control when erections happen?

Studies have shown that you may get spontaneous erections 1-5 hours after administration but that’s it!

Can Melanotan II help prevent skin cancers?

More research is needed for this area of benefit for Melanotan II.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text el_id=”dosage”]


The average dosage of melanotan-II for inducing an erection in males with ED is 0.025 mg/kg. Melanotan-II is often used at a dosage of 0.025 mg/kg for tanning skin.  The range is about 100 mcg – 1 mg depending on how it reacts to your body. Your first injection should be a very small dose, for example .25mg (250mcg).

Take note of any body reactions and problems for safety. Melanotan II is normally given as a liquid injection beneath the skin every other day. The tanning effect can be achieved in as little as 5 dosages, according to studies. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text el_id=”conclusion”]


Melanotan II has no negative side effects in the majority of users who take the recommended dosage. Those who do encounter modest unfavorable side effects typically have flushing of the face and slight nausea, as recorded in the first clinical research of Melanotan II in humans. These adverse effects normally stay for 1-2 hours after the injection and only appear after the first 1-3 injections, after which they do not reappear unless a considerable period of time passes between injections. To lessen the likelihood of side effects, take your dose soon before going to bed at night, preferably after eating 1-2 hours beforehand (i.e. not on an empty stomach).

If you are allergic to histamines, you should take an antihistamine two hours before the injection. While Melanotan II was developed by scientists in the 1980s, it has only recently been used in the general public, with the first reports dating back to 2003. Unfortunately, it’s impossible to know for sure what a product’s long-term negative effects will be until it’s been taken by a large number of people for an extended length of time. However, reviews and comprehensive records from persons who have used Melanotan II continuously for the past 5-6 years show that there are no reported harmful long-term adverse effects.

Furthermore, an extensive search of thousands of users via blogs, internet forums, and social media sites suggests that Melanotan 2 has received a miracle response. Increased libido for men and women, healthier erections for males, especially in the mornings, and clitoral stimulation for women throughout the day were all reported as positive results, with many referring to it as the women’s Viagra. Finally, some people have claimed noticeable fat-burning properties as well as a deeper and faster tan as well as a lower chance of sunburn.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1653347505101{margin-top: -80px !important;}”][vc_column width=”2/3″ css=”.vc_custom_1653348027988{margin-top: -20px !important;}”][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1653347363958{margin-top: 60px !important;}”]

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