Recon Peptides Review | The Minimalist SARM Store

Less is more for Recon Peptides, who have been running their store for a few years but have never divulged critical information to their customers.

How does their store survive and what forces are driving buyers to do business with them?

Recon Peptides SARMs review

Maybe the big players got it all wrong and minimalism is the way to go, as more and more customers prefer to have things simple and easy.

This Recon Peptides review will thoroughly investigate the inner workings of this vendor.


To be fair, I did expect a homepage full of products, mainly peptides and maybe a few SARMs but nothing could’ve prepared me for the copious amounts of Kratom.

Kratom seems to be the new craze and this store jumped on the bandwagon but to dedicate all of your homepage space to one product is a bit iffy.

As previously mentioned, the website doesn’t have much to browse and you can go through their entire list of pages in a few minutes.

At least some of the links work well and you can get around the website with ease.

Their social media widgets, located at the bottom right of the website, don’t seem to work.

Product Selection

Besides Kratom, Recon Peptides features peptides, SARMs, PCT supplements, aromatase inhibitors and other research chemicals.

This store seems to be missing Ostarine, S23 and Stenabolic.

I’m a bit bummed out about the Ostarine but it could just be a mishap, since many vendors have problems with sourcing.

This store only sells the liquid version of SARMs and it’s not clear if you get a dropper with your purchase.

Recon Peptides only has Nolvadex in stock when PCT supplements are concerned.

They also don’t have any SARM stacks in store for us, which once again showcases the simplistic design of the store.


The SARMs and compounds related to SARMs from Recon Peptides are priced fairly.

For example, 300mgs of liquid Ligandrol will set you back around $45.

Compare that to one of my sources that sells Ligandrol, like Rats Army and you can see that the prices are very similar, only a few dollars’ difference.

Quality Control

Recon Peptides doesn’t have any quality control for their SARMs.

This is a real shame since I really liked the way they designed their website and how they approached selling SARMs in the first place.

This is not something that can be overlooked and until Recon Peptides provides us with lab results from their latest batch of SARMs, my opinion of them won’t be very high.

Do they test their products or leave things up to luck?

I don’t know the answer but I strongly advise anyone reading this to be very careful when buying SARMs from a source without quality control.

If we give them the benefit of the doubt, they might have quality control but simply don’t post it online.

Shipping And Returns

Once again, there is no information about this subject on the website!

If you haven’t ordered from them, you will not know how their shipping and returns work.

I’ve had a look online to see if anyone wrote a review pertaining to this subject but didn’t have any luck.

Regarding payment options, Recon Peptides accepts Bitcoin, Ethereum or they send you an invoice by email.

Customer Reviews Online

There is very little written about this website.

The reviews that I did find were very mixed, some were telling people to avoid the company and others were positive.

Other than that, they don’t have a TrustPilot page, a Reddit account or anything else to judge them upon.

It’s quite weird that a website that has been in the game for years has close to zero reviews about it.

Customer Support

As far as I can see, this company doesn’t even have customer support. There is no email or phone number on the site and I don’t see any opt-in forms.

I’m not sure how this company handles customer queries.

Their Facebook page seems to be active enough but this is no way to conduct yourself, especially when your store hinges upon customer satisfaction.


Recon Peptides takes minimalism a bit too far.

I can understand the desire to be different in a uniform crowd but some things simply can’t be changed.

You absolutely need quality control, a shipping and returns policy and customer support.

To conclude this Recon Peptides review, this company has a lot to work on but they are charming in their own unique way, you have to give them that.

However, until they fix some of the issues outlined in this article, I’ll be buying SARMs from my recommended companies.

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