Today, I will be looking at a relatively new SARMs source, Sports Technology Labs.
If you’ve read any of my previous reviews, you know how picky I am when it comes to my SARMs sources, so hopefully, Sports Technology Labs will live up to the hype.

In this Sports Technology Labs review, I will be shaking the company from top to bottom and we’ll be exploring its most important characteristics.
One of the cleanest sites I’ve seen; no annoying pop ups or flashing lights bothering the eyes.
The website is professionally designed, displaying all the important information on the homepage.
I also like the logo centered on top of the site, Sports Technology Labs are trying their hardest to be different from the crowd and it seems to be working.
All the links are functional and you can navigate through the site, both on mobile and web browser, with ease.
After doing a bit of digging, I found this company to be based in Connecticut, US.
Let’s take a closer look at what Sports Technology Labs brings to the table.
Product Selection
I was left impressed by the vast product selection; Sports Technology Labs offers both liquid and powdered SARMs.
They also have some stacks, which to me is almost always a red flag but upon further inspection, they prove to be both safe and economical.
For example, their “Strength Stack” consists of RAD140 and Cardarine; the perfect combo if you’re looking to increase strength and endurance.
They even have RU-58841, the perfect compound for male pattern baldness!
Although I’m a bit confused the company decided to include it alongside SARMs; RU-58841 is an anti-androgen, not a SARM.
A small blunder, nothing to really worry about but it’s an improvement that could be made.
Sports Technology Labs seems to concentrate all of their efforts on SARMs, which is understandable.
However, if you’re looking for PCT (SERMs) or AIs, you’ll be left wanting.
I’ve done a fair bit of research on this company and I’ve also looked at what other people have been saying about it.
Everyone online seems to agree that Sports Technology Labs is a bit overpriced.
However, I don’t really see it; to me, the prices displayed on the website are fair and consistent with other vendors.
For example, 30mL of liquid Ostarine will set you back 50$ at Sports Technology Labs, while Chemyo offers 50mL of Ostarine for 60$.
Yes, Chemyo has the better offer but it’s a bit of a stretch to say that the SARMs from Sports Technology Labs are overpriced.
All in all, fair prices and a large product selection wait for you if you decide to opt with Sports Technology Labs.
Quality Control
This is the absolute litmus test for every vendor; fail this one and you’re bound to be tossed into the can.
I’ve had a look at every certificate of analysis posted by Sports Technology Labs and they are legitimate.
More importantly, they are recent which gives me the impression that they test every batch they procure, as it should be.
I’m honestly quite impressed by this vendor, as they are still relatively new to the game but they seem to cover all the important aspects.
Let’s take their RAD140 for example, 99%+ purity and the CoA is only a month old.
That’s not an isolated incident, in fact, all SARMs sold by Sports Technology Labs have a purity rate either equal to or above 98%.
This is quite refreshing to see, as so many SARMs vendors out there peddle their bunk products, without caring about quality control.
With this vendor, you know that you’re getting high-quality, pure SARMs for a reasonable price.
I’m very satisfied with how this company conducts itself when it comes to their quality control.
An additional plus is that all of their SARMs are suspended in PEG400, which promises a shelf life of up to two years.
All in all, a stellar example of a good SARM vendor.
Shipping And Returns
Sports Technology Labs offers same day or next day shipping for all orders.
I’ve actually ordered from them a few times and never had to wait more than a day for my order to be shipped out.
Domestic shipping (US) is free for orders above 99$, international shipping is free for orders above 299$.
This is the industry standard and there’s a huge incentive to get one of their SARM stacks as you basically get free shipping with them.
From what I’ve gathered, orders take between 3 to 5 business days when domestic shipping is concerned, international orders take up to two weeks.
I usually got my products shipped to Australia within one and a half weeks and there was never an issue.
The company accepts all credit cards, checks, credit cards with the MESH network and Bitcoin payments.
Conveniently, they’ve dedicated an entire page to the payment process, which explains in detail how to pay with each method.
Bitcoin payments are either done through Coinbase or CashApp, both are convenient options that don’t require any expert technical knowledge.
There’s just one unfortunate thing that I’ve noticed about this company and that’s the fact they don’t ship to military addresses.
If you’re on active duty and are looking to purchase some research chemicals, I believe Chemyo to be the best option.
You can find it over in my list of recommended companies.
Other than this small hiccup, I think it’s fair to say Sports Technology Labs offers a seamless buying experience.
Customer Reviews Online
Since this is a new company, I didn’t find much written about them online.
Sure, there are a few threads on sites like Reddit; most of them asking whether Sports Technology Labs is legit.
My answer to that is a 100% yes, since I’ve used this company’s products for research purposes on many occasions and it has never failed me once.
There are some reports on Reddit saying their products are bunk but I’ve never actually seen proof of that.
In this day and age, any competitor can make a Reddit account and slander their competition.
It’s just one reason why I don’t rely on social media as much anymore and why I do my own personal research.
My results are conclusive; Sports Technology Labs is legitimate and I will most likely be adding them to my list of recommended sources.
Customer Support
I only had one brush with their customer support; my Bitcoin payment wasn’t showing up on their site so I had to intervene.
The customer support representative was calm and professional, assuring me that the payment will eventually show up.
It actually did in a few hours, so I got to give props where props are due; I had nothing but a great experience talking to their customer support.
There’s one caveat to all this, you will have to use email to communicate with the company.
Unfortunately, there’s no phone number to call or live chat to use.
This is a bit disappointing and I hope that with time, the company will integrate these services as part of their user experience.
Sports Technology Labs Coupon Code
If you’re looking for the largest Sports Technology Labs discount, then you’ve come to the right place.
When you sign up to their email newsletter, you get 10% off on your order.
This is not bad but we can do much better; use the code “sarmguide15” for 15% off on your entire order!
Not only is this the biggest discount but you can keep using the code, as it’s non-expiring and works on multiple orders.
My only two gripes with this company is that they don’t ship to PO boxes and the fact they don’t have a phone number on their site.
Everything else is on point and let me tell you, I was positively surprised by the ambition and drive they’ve shown.
Most importantly, their CoAs are recent and legitimate; from a well-known third party laboratory in the US, Colmaric Analyticals.