I have terrible news to report, news that will affect manufacturers, vendors and consumers of SARMs alike.
The Chinese government has decided to blacklist all SARMs and most of the compounds usually taken with SARMs, like Stenabolic and Cardarine.

From November 18, 2019, it is illegal to either produce or export these goods in China, alongside with a lot of other supplements used by people worldwide, such as nootropics, metabolics, HGH…
The law comes into effect on the 1st of January 2020 and all factories have stopped production of SARMs on the 25th of December 2019.
And when it rains, it pours.
Just a day after that, the US announces their SARMs Control Act which once again aims to schedule SARMs as anabolic steroids, I have written more about that here.
What are the implications of this ban and what will happen next? Read this article to find out!
Why Is This Ban Happening In The First Place
The US and China are two countries that trade A LOT with each other, with mostly the US being the buyer and China being the seller.
This means that the US, as the buyer, has the power to impose some restrictions on the seller, or they will simply stop trading with China.
China wouldn’t like that, so they occasionally succumb to the pressures of the US (this time being an example) and submit to their will.
Interest groups from the US, such as the USADA (United States Anti-Doping Agency) incessantly pressure politicians to ‘properly regulate’ SARMs.

This time, they have succeeded in their quest and the end result is what you see happening today.
Another reason why the US doesn’t want Chinese powders in their backyard is because of the large import of harmful substances like fentanyl.
This is understandable, as fentanyl overdose causes thousands of deaths every year, but why did they have to crack down on SARMs? They have never caused a death in the last thirty years of active usage!
I cannot answer that question, just as I have no answer to why something innocuous like caffeine powder is amongst the banned substances.
Why This Ban Is Such a Huge Problem
Many people are under the false notion that their SARMs either come Europe or the US, right where their provider has set up shop. Unscrupulous vendors lie to their customer base and claim to manufacture the SARMs they sell.
That simply cannot be true as the licenses needed to do something like that, both in the US and in Europe, would be very difficult to obtain and very likely economically unfeasible.
Also, don’t listen to stories circulating around the Internet that these companies are doing it underground.
This isn’t Breaking Bad, it’s real life we’re talking about here.
This is simply not happening as the risk to reward ratio is way too high.
Moreover, creating SARMs isn’t just a walk in the park, it requires a particular set of skills and equipment not many people have.
China exports or has exported up to 93% of all raw powders into the world.
You can now see why this ban is such a huge problem, we’re literally being cut off from our main supply line.
Since there is a general notion that the Chinese don’t care about their laws and that they will just move the operation underground, many believe this ban to be a false alarm.
It’s not a false alarm, as there are only a few chemists qualified to produce SARMs and these people will not risk prison time or more likely, their lives, in order to make SARMs for you.
The fact of the matter is, only a few factories in China produce SARMs and the Chinese government is well aware of who these people are, so there is no way that things will be swept under the rug.
What Substances Are Banned
Literally all SARMs are banned, the only compound that has escaped this ban list is MK677 (Ibutamoren).
Other common substances taken by SARMs users that have survived the ban wave are: Tianeptine, Phenibut and all racetams, except for Phenylpiracetam.
Not only did they crack down on SARMs, but SERMs are affected as well. You should consider stocking up on Nolvadex if you’re using stronger SARMs.
Other banned compounds you might use or might have used are: TB-500, DMMA, modafinil, meldonium and bromantane.
As you can see, this ban wave is serious, and it hit SARM users the hardest.
Click here to view the full list of banned substances.
The Shelf Life of SARMs
We simply don’t know how long SARMs can survive, so there is no clear-cut answer on this.
The SARMs powder could technically be preserved for years, as long as it is stored in a cool and dark place.
On the other, the liquid can only last for around three years, unless it’s frozen, but then you risk the shattering of the vial in which the liquid is kept.
Overall, we’re prepared for at least another three years of drought when it comes to shelf life, so there is no fear to be had in this department.
What Happens Next
Many vendors are already plunged into chaos, as their stock is dwindling at an alarming rate and they have no way to resupply.
You can expect price gouging to occur, many companies have already increased their prices by 20 to 30% in anticipation of the ban.
One more thing to be wary of are all the fake SARM vendors that will inevitably spawn out of nowhere just to try and take advantage of you. Here are some pointers that you should follow and that will help you determine whether a company is fake or not.
Moreover, you will see people rushing to buy as many SARMs as their budget allows them to, which will further exacerbate the problem vendors have with stock.
I usually don’t like instilling a sense of urgency upon my readers, I see that as a sleazy marketing technique used by salesman to pressure someone into a sale.
But this time, things are out of control and I seriously urge you to stock up on SARMs from one of my recommended vendors.
Finally, we can expect a country like India snatching the torch from China and putting us all on their backs.
They have the talent, resources and manpower for such an operation, but the problem still remains, how long until India steps in? It could take years!
All in all, the situation doesn’t look good, so your best bet is to buy as many SARMs as you can and hope that reputable vendors find a good SARMs source.
Otherwise, we’re all doomed.