I’ll show you seven S4 SARM transformations that left the bodybuilding world in awe of the powerful effects of Andarine.
The S4 SARM before and after results with pics shown in this article stem from real bodybuilders that have taken the compound, wishing to share their accomplishments with my readers.
If you have had a run-in with this SARM and if you have taken some S4 SARM before and after pics, be sure to let me know!
Like watching people change their lives for the better with SARMs? Read my SARMs before and after result article for even more inspiration.
S4 Summary
S4 is a SARM best known for being very effective while causing minimal Testosterone suppression.
Produced by the same company as Ostarine, Andarine has sadly been abandoned in favor of the former, as phase I human trials revealed that it caused issues with vision in those consuming it.
S4 is a very potent fat shredder, lean muscle builder and bone strengthener.
Learn how to deal with the side effects of S4 and much more by reading my Andarine review.
S4 Results With Before And After Pics
I got seven S4 SARM before and after results with pics in store for you, each of them unique in its own way.
However, they all do share one thing and those are the impressive results these seven bodybuilders got by imbuing Andarine.
This is going to be an interesting journey into the minds and bodies of those who’ve taken this SARM.
Before we start, I would just like to point out that these results are only achievable if you follow a strict diet and train properly.
If you expect S4 to absolve you from drudgery, you’ll be terribly disappointed.
S4 SARM Results #1
Ladies first, at least that’s how the adage goes!
This is a complete body transformation. The before picture shows a female that is obviously a bit chubby.
Eight weeks with S4 turned her into a model!
She lost fifteen pounds of weight and 5% of her total body fat.
She also gained around three pounds of muscle mass.
All in all, great results considering the time frame.
Her cycle:
Week | S4 | PCT |
1-8 | 10mgs per day | / |
A standard cycle for a woman.
Worthy of mention is the fact that she split her dosage into two equal parts, as to keep blood levels of Andarine high throughout the day.
S4 Results #2
Very impressive results by this young man, there is even some vascularity to be seen in the after picture.
He gained around four pounds of lean muscle mass and lost ten pounds of weight all while shedding 5% of his total body fat.
Shoulders and arms are looking very nice, a six pack is also starting to form – one more cycle and this bodybuilder is complete.
His cycle:
Week | S4 | PCT |
1-8 | 20mgs per day | / |
PCT was unnecessary since S4 doesn’t cause that much suppression, especially not at a 20mgs per day dosage.
The reason why this person chose such a low dosage was to try and protect himself from the vision side effect of S4.
It worked out well for him in the end, with no side effects in sight.
S4 Results #3 (+ Cardarine)
The before picture is obviously a bit staged, he jutted his belly as to make it appear bigger than it is.
Even with that being factored in, the results he got from this stack are very impressive.
He lost 16 pounds of weight and 8% of his total body fat.
We can see a very nice six pack forming, arms and shoulders are looking swole, traps are amazing.
Overall, a great transformation from this lad.
His cycle:
Week | S4 | Cardarine | PCT |
1-4 | 50mgs per day | 15mgs per day | / |
4-8 | 25mgs per day | 15mgs per day | / |
He obviously overdid it with the S4 at first and that showed on week four of his cycle where he claims to have experienced a yellow tint in vision and issues adjusting to night light.
He was working from home so driving wasn’t an issue, but he still got scared straight. He halved his dosage for the next four weeks, and the problem disappeared.
S4 Results #4
This person performed a cut while on S4, eating 500 calories below maintenance in order to achieve the results you see in front of you.
While not a lot of muscle mass was gained, only around 1 to 2 pounds, he did shed ten pounds of weight and 4,5% of his total body fat.
We can see that a very impressive six pack was achieved and his entire body taking on a dryer, sturdier look.
His cycle:
Week | S4 | PCT |
1-8 | 15mgs per day | / |
He split his dosage into two as to combat the poor half-life of S4.
No problems were experienced with a 15mg per day dosage.
S4 Results #5 (+Stenabolic)
This bodybuilder had a decent physique to start off with, he probably reached a plateau, deciding to turn to SARMs for help.
What he did in eight weeks with the help of S4 and Stenabolic is respectable.
His upper and lower abs are quite impressive; it’s hard not to feel jealous while looking at them.
Arms, shoulders, pecs and delts all grew dramatically, and he now looks like a proper movie star.
He gained around five to six pounds of muscle mass and lost 6% of his total body fat.
His cycle:
Week | S4 | Stenabolic | PCT (Nolvadex) |
1-8 | 50mgs per day | 30mgs per day | / |
8-12 | / | / | 20mgs per day |
It’s quite astonishing, but he claims to not have felt any side effects from Andarine, even at such a high dosage. Some people are just burn lucky and he is definitely one of them.
By the end of his cycle, he did feel a bit suppressed, so he opted for a mild four-week PCT with Nolvadex.
S4 Results #6
Here we see someone that hasn’t really trained all that much taking on S4 in a ploy to lose fat, weight and gain muscle.
The results are mesmerizing, this person has even gained some vascularity on his arms!
There is so much too comment on, but to keep it short, his entire body went through a glow up.
Noteworthy is the fact that he has a shorter frame, meaning that lower dosages of S4 work wonders on his body.
His cycle:
Week | S4 | PCT |
1-8 | 10mgs per day | / |
He claimed to not have felt any adverse effects due to Andarine and went on to complete his eight weeks without hassle.
S4 Results #7
SARMs like Ostarine and S4 are very popular among women, so it shouldn’t be that surprising to see another lady on this list!
She mainly used Andarine to lose fat and weight, not showing interest in its muscle-building potential.
We can observe that she lost around eight pounds of weight and 3,5% of her total body fat.
Not too shabby!
Her cycle:
Week | S4 | PCT |
1-8 | 5mgs per day | / |
She opted for a very low dosage in fear of experiencing side effects.
As expected, she didn’t suffer from any adverse effects during her cycle.
My S4 SARM Results
My S4 SARM results were quite good, better than the ones I had with Ostarine.
Truth be told, Andarine left me with a sour taste in my mouth and I’m not sure if I’ll ever take it again.
I’ll talk more about it in just a moment.
First, let me show you my cycle:
Week | S4 | PCT (Nolvadex) |
1-8 | 50mgs per day | / |
8-12 | / | 20mgs per day |
I regret taking such a high dosage, but it is what it is.
Here are the effects I’ve noticed:
Lean Muscle Mass
I gained around two to three pounds of lean muscle mass while cutting with S4.
Not only did I preserve all of my existing muscle mass, but I had built some as well -during a cut!
This is very impressive and just tells us how potent of a cutting agent S4 really is.
Fat And Weight Loss
With the help of a clean diet and S4, I’ve lost quite a lot of fat and weight.
I remember losing 8 pounds of weight and 5,5% of my total body fat.
Impaired Vision
This is where things get serious:
At the three-week mark, I noticed a yellowish-brown tint in my vision. I thought I imagined things for a moment, so I went on with my day as if nothing had happened.
The incident that really seared S4 as a SARM you should be careful with happened at night.
I was driving and suddenly, as I blinked, I temporarily lost vision in both of my eyes!
Luckily, nobody was on the road at that time and nothing bad had happened, but I immediately pulled over and called a cab.
Under no circumstances should one drive or operate heavy machinery while on an S4 cycle. It’s simply too much of a risk.
Starting off low with a low Andarine dosage is the only way to control the visual side effect.
S4 is a high-risk, high-reward SARM so if you’re looking for fast results, it’s the perfect compound for you.
However, if you’re not prone to taking risks, I recommend a similar SARM to S4, called Ostarine.
Tips To Get The Best Results
- Halve your S4 dosage into two equal parts
- Consume low dosages to avoid serious side effects
- Eat clean
- Exercise regularly
- Buy pure Andarine from vetted vendors
I let you in on seven S4 SARM before and after results with pics.
It’s up to you whether you want to consume Andarine or not, I’ve presented the facts as they are.
Despite everything, S4 sheds fat, makes you lose weight and builds lean muscle mass in no time.
Remember to keep your dosages low and to monitor any incurring changes to your vision.