The S23 transformations you’re about to see have all been performed by bodybuilders who have had extensive experience with SARMs.
This article will present the reader with seven S23 before and after results with pics.

In addition, we’ll explore the following topics:
- S23 Summary
- S23 before and after pics
- My S23 Results
- Best practices during a S23 cycle
We have a lot on our hands today so let’s get started!
If you’re interested in more results and pictures with SARMs, check out my SARMs before and after results article.
S23 Summary
S23 is the most potent SARM on the market right now.
Rats that were treated with this SARM all suffered from infertility, lasting until S23 consumption was ceased.
Scientists are looking for ways to incorporate S23 and create a male contraceptive out of it.
S23 builds muscle mass, sheds fat and promotes strength like no other SARM, and results where people gain up to 20 pounds of muscle in one cycle are not uncommon.
Last but not least, it bestows the user with decreased recovery times.
Read more about this SARM in my S23 review.
S23 Results With Before And After Pics
Seven bodybuilders who’ve taken S23 share their cycles with us.
Join me as we go through the pictures, explain their cycles and comment on their transformations!
If you want to make this article even better, consider contacting me and sharing some of your S23 before and after pics!
A word of warning before we start: If you’re still a fledgling to SARMs and have never imbued one, please consider taking something milder for your first cycle.
S23 Results #1

Look at what eight weeks with S23 can do!
This guy was chubby at the start of his cycle, and by the end of it, he had transformed himself into a ripped beast.
He gained around 15 pounds of muscle mass and lost 7,5% of his total body fat.
He actually told me that he broke all of his personal records at the gym and that by the end of his cycle, he surpassed them by a whopping 35 pounds, on average.
These are insane results and one that you can replicate provided you follow my guidelines to a tee.
His cycle:
Week | S23 | PCT (Clomid) |
1-8 | 10mgs per day | / |
8-10 | / | 50mgs per day |
10-12 | / | 25mgs per day |
He split his S23 dosage into two equal parts, which is the smart thing to do as S23 has a half-life of 12 hours.
PCT is absolutely necessary for a SARM like S23, since the suppression experienced is quite serious and if left untreated, it could lead to negative consequences to be experienced.
S23 Results #2 (+ Cardarine)

In the before picture, we meet someone with a typical dad bod. Eight weeks later, he returns triumphant as a completely new person.
Cardarine definitely helped with fat loss, while S23 built the muscle mass necessary to achieve the body in the after picture.
Great synergy between the two compounds, one of my favorite stacks for sure.
Pecs look firmer and stronger, biceps and traps as well.
Forearms also experienced a huge increase.
Upper and lower abs look great!
This person lost around 6 to 7% of his total body fat and gained around 13 to 14 pounds of muscle mass.
My only critique would be his lower body, someone must have skipped leg day.
His cycle:
Week | S23 | Cardarine | PCT (Clomid) |
1-8 | 10mgs per day | 15mgs per day | / |
8-10 | / | / | 50mgs per day |
10-12 | / | / | 25mgs per day |
PCT was once again unavoidable and this person claimed to have experienced Clomid-induced nausea and diarrhea for the first two weeks of his cycle.
Luckily, he powered through, managing to keep all of his accrued gains.
S23 Results #3

Here we see someone that is close to reaching his natural peak.
Despite that, with S23, his entire body, including his legs, underwent a dramatic change for the better.
If I had to guess, he gained around 17 pounds of muscle mass and lost 7 to 8% of his total body fat.
Simply amazing results for just one cycle, his triceps is especially impressive – I’m in awe of his body.
He told me that he managed to break through his previous limitations, successfully joining the prestigious 1000-pound club.
His cycle:
Week | S23 | PCT (Clomid) |
1-8 | 15mgs per day | / |
8-10 | / | 50mgs per day |
10-12 | / | 25mgs per day |
12-14 | / | 25mgs per day |
Six weeks of Clomid were absolutely necessary for such a cycle, as he took 50% more S23 than what is recommended.
Refer to my S23 dosage guide for more information on the proper dosages one should imbue.
Luckily, he recovered without facing any problems.
S23 Results #4 (+ Stenabolic)

Very impressive results, especially considering the gentleman in question is up in years.
Age is not a concern with S23, it will help you out in your fitness goals whether you like it or not.
Moreover, with Stenabolic by his side, fat loss was not going to be a concern!
Look at those beautiful traps and delts, what a wonderful revamp when compared to the before picture.
Six pack is looking very good, with prominent abs dominating the playing field.
Biceps also experienced a giant increase in size and his pecs are looking swole.
Overall, this bodybuilder gained around 12 to 15 pounds of muscle mass and lost 7,5% of his total body fat.
His cycle:
Week | S23 | Stenabolic | PCT (Clomid) |
1-8 | 10mgs per day | 30mgs per day | / |
8-10 | / | / | 50mgs per day |
10-12 | / | / | 25mgs per day |
I would just like to add that this gentleman was splitting both his S23 and Stenabolic dosage into two equal parts, so he took 5mgs of S23 and 15mgs of Stenabolic in the morning and the same dosage before going to the gym.
Although this is not the optimal way of taking Stenabolic (it’s usually split into three dosages per day), it was still enough for the results you see in front of you.
No side effects were experienced during or after the cycle.
S23 Results #5

This person went from skinny to ripped in just one cycle.
He told me that he literally doubled his strength and that the pump he experienced in the gym was insane.
Also, he was training six days per week while on S23 and didn’t feel the strain one bit. Moreover, he was actually looking forward to each session, eagerly awaiting the opening hours of his gym.
He gained 16 pounds of muscle mass and lost 5% of his total body fat.
His cycle:
Week | S23 | PCT (Clomid) |
1-8 | 7,5mgs per day | / |
8-12 | / | 25mgs per day |
He claims to have only felt mild to medium suppression while on S23 and opted for just 25mgs of Clomid per day.
This was definitely a risky endeavor, but it worked out in the end and he had no complaints.
The only thing bothering him during his cycle were night sweats, but he kept hydrated and they went away after week four.
S23 Results #6 (+ MK-677)

These pictures are from a former US soldier. He told me that mixing S23 and MK-677 was one of the best things he ever did in his life.
S23 helped him shed 7,5% of his total body fat and gain around 20 pounds of muscle, while MK-677 helped him recover more easily, so that he could build more mass without worrying about the strain on his ligaments.
Traps, delts and pecs all look enhanced.
Both upper and lower abs are consistent and look sturdy to the touch.
Vascularity is present and looks awesome on him.
Overall, great results considering he did just one cycle.
Week | S23 | MK-677 | PCT (Clomid) |
1-8 | 10mgs per day | 25mgs per day | / |
8-10 | / | / | 50mgs per day |
10-12 | / | / | 25mgs per day |
Some people may be wondering if MK-677 could’ve been used as a PCT in this example, and the answer is clear-cut: No.
S23 causes too much suppression for MK-677 to handle and that’s why a SERM like Clomid is used to alleviate Testosterone suppression.
S23 Results #7

I wasn’t sure whether to include this cycle or not, as it was quite a bold undertaking from this bodybuilder, to say the least.
This person was just fed up with his body and decided to go all out.
S23 helped him gain 23 pounds of muscle mass and shed a whopping 10% of his total body fat.
His diet and exercise routines were all on point, but that’s not what concerns me, it’s his cycle:
Week | S23 | PCT (Clomid) |
1-8 | 20mgs per day | / |
8-10 | / | 50mgs per day |
10-12 | / | 50mgs per day |
12-14 | / | 25mgs per day |
While he didn’t feel many side effects from S23, besides the heavy Testosterone suppression near the end of his cycle, 50mgs of Clomid for four weeks took its toll.
He claimed to have experienced diarrhea, nausea, headaches, vomiting and even some breast tenderness.
When he lowered his Clomid dosage to 25mgs per day, most of the side effects subsided.
I remember him telling me that while his results were insane, the side effects weren’t worth it, and he wasn’t going to repeat such a feat any time soon.
I agree with his sentiment – don’t try this at home!
My S23 Results
No compound gave me results as good as this SARM.
You’ll see shortly just how great my S23 before and after results were.
I have only done a few cycles with it, nothing serious, but still enough to share some of my experiences with you.
Be aware that S23 is the strongest SARM currently in existence and that you’ll pay the piper if you’re not careful.
My cycle:
Week | S23 | PCT (Clomid) |
1-8 | 10mgs per day | / |
8-10 | / | 50mgs per day |
10-12 | / | 25mgs per day |
As always, I took the safest and most effective dosage. Any more than 10mgs per day is unnecessary and can only lead to further complications.
Here are the effects that I’ve experienced while on S23:
Muscle Mass
I’ve gained around 18 pounds of muscle mass in just one cycle. The results were unbelievable, and I sometimes had to pinch myself whilst looking at my body, as it all felt like one big dream.
I’ve noticed the biggest increase on my biceps, triceps, traps and delts.
Other parts of my upper body were improved on as well, but not as accentuated as the four mentioned above.
I often imagined myself being Popeye eating his spinach while consuming S23, that’s the type of vigor I would feel while on this SARM.
I have improved all of my lifts by about 50 pounds in just one cycle and the best thing of all, I felt strong and powerful while on S23, as if I could take on the world.
Just thinking about this makes me want to hop on a cycle again.
Recovery Times
While off-cycle, it would take me between 48 to 72 hours to recover a specific muscle group that I’ve trained.
With S23, that recovery period plunges down to 24 hours, which means that you could technically train the same muscle group every day without problems.
Fat Loss
Even if you’re bulking, you’ll still lose fat while on S23. It’s insane just how much this compound speeds up fat loss in your body.
I lost 8% of my total body fat while on a S23 cycle which equated to 1% of fat lost for every week on cycle.
I always had trouble getting my veins to pop out.
I remember being a teen and the nurse hastily rubbing alcohol near my veins, praying they would finally show themselves so that she could draw my blood.
S23 gave me vascular arms just four weeks into my cycle. By week eight, people from afar could spot the vascularity.
I was feeling awesome, spending hours looking at my hands and just feeling content with myself.
PCT was absolutely necessary after my cycle. Four weeks of Clomid helped me alleviate my Testosterone suppression and I didn’t experience any side effects.
S23 will completely revamp your body for the better.
Whether you’re looking for strength, muscle mass or fat – S23 delivers!
I recommend it to every bodybuilder looking to upgrade their body beyond its natural limits.
Tips To Get The Best Results
While I don’t have a lot of experience with S23, I’ve talked to a lot of people that have taken S23 and this is what they have to say:
- Eat clean and exercise daily
- Get a blood test done before and after your cycle
- Lower your dosage if the Testosterone suppression becomes too much
- Split your dosage into two equal halves and take one in the morning, one at night
- Buy pure, high-quality, lab-tested S23
You don’t want to play with S23. You have to make absolutely sure that the vendor you’re purchasing this SARM from is legitimate.
Luckily for you, I already did the heavy lifting. The only thing you have to do is follow the link outlined above and you’ll be presented with five different options tailored to your specific needs.
Before you decide that you’re going to hop on a cycle and share your S23 before and after results with the world, consider starting with a lighter SARM if you haven’t done so already.
While there have been no human studies performed with S23, a lot of anecdotal evidence points to the fact that it is safe and effective.
S23 will help you forge a new body, one that you wouldn’t even have dared to dream of.
With that being said, I wish you the best of luck and I hope to see you emailing me some of your progress pictures soon!