This is the ultimate guide to RAD 140 (Testolone) dosages.
We will go over everything that you need to know about RAD 140 dosages including:
- The safest RAD 140 dosage
- The best Testolone bulking dosage
- The best cutting dosage
- Dosages that were used in human trials

The recommended recreational RAD 140 dosage is between 10 to 30mgs per day.
While this doesn’t sound as bad as some of the other advice I’ve read online, there is room for improvement.
This article will show you exactly how to properly utilize RAD 140 for a bulk or cut and it will also show you the proper dosages to avoid doing PCT.
We will start off by introducing RAD 140, talking about its half-life, the one human study that was performed on it, and then proceed to get to the crux of the article, the proper dosages themselves.
RAD 140 Summary
RAD 140 or Testolone is a SARM known for its high anabolic to androgenic ratio (90:1).
Preclinical rat models have shown a vast increase in strength and muscle mass, as well as a blatant decrease in fat.
RAD 140 is oftentimes compared with LGD-4033, since both of these compounds harbor similar effects on the body.
RAD 140 enjoys high bioavailability and works wonders in small dosages, showing off its potency even at dosages lower than 5mgs per day.
Interested in learning all there is to know about this SARM? Be sure to read my comprehensive RAD 140 review.
RAD 140 Half-Life
The one clinical study done on humans has shown the half-life of RAD 140 to be around 60 hours.
What is worthy of mentioning is the fact that dosages between 50 to 150mgs per day were used, the subjects being sixteen postmenopausal women with breast cancer.
It is questionable whether RAD 140 has the same half-life at a 10mg per day dosage, but that is beside the point.
We do know from anecdotal experiences that taking it once per day is more than enough.
Not only that, but it seems to be the most effective way of imbuing RAD 140.
Dosages Used In Studies And Human Trials
As previously mentioned, only one study has actually been performed on humans, with all the test subjects being women.
The dosages used were disproportionately high, but the women tolerated the compound quite well and no deaths occurred as a result of such a high dosage.
RAD 140 (Testolone) has shown some anti-cancerous properties, but more studies need to be done to assess the true potential of this SARM.
What is interesting to note is that the maximum tolerated RAD 140 dosage was deemed to be 100mgs per day.
However, we have to consider the fact that women were used as test subjects, and if someone were to repeat the same experiment with men using the same dosages, the threat of a complete Testosterone shutdown would be imminent.
This study doesn’t help us much in determining the perfect dosage for RAD 140, but it does show us that the compound is relatively safe to use, even in higher dosages.
RAD 140 Bulking Dosage + Example Cycle
You don’t really need to use any other compounds with RAD 140, it is strong enough on its own and will bestow you with great gains provided you stick to your diet and exercise routines.
However, if you’re interested in something more advanced and if you have the experience backing you up, be sure to check out my article on all the possible stacks with RAD 140.
Bulking with RAD 140 will bestow you with dry gains. You will gain around 10 pounds of muscle mass and the likelihood of besting your personal records increases by a lot once you start cycling this SARM.
Example of a bulking cycle:
Week | RAD 140 | PCT (Clomid) |
1-8 | 15mgs per day | / |
8-10 | / | 50mgs per day |
10-12 | / | 25mgs per day |
While 15mgs per day might seem like a lot, it’s necessary during a bulk to really get that pump going.
To be completely safe, we’re using Clomid as a PCT in order to combat the inevitable suppression.
RAD 140 Cutting Dosage + Example Cycle
RAD 140 also works quite well during a cut, as it will help you lose a ton of fat.
While this SARM is usually utilized for a bulk, cutting with it can be an enjoyable experience provided you consume the right dosages.
Refer to the table below:
Week | RAD 140 | PCT (Clomid) |
1-8 | 10mgs per day | / |
8-10 | / | 50mgs per day |
10-12 | / | 25mgs per day |
We’re still using Clomid against Testosterone suppression and we’re keeping its dosage high, as we’re erring on the side of caution.
No PCT RAD 140 Dosage
Contrary to popular belief, it is possible to imbue RAD 140 without taking PCT, you just need to lower the dosages to an acceptable degree, where you still get the awesome benefits of the compound while avoiding the ails of Testosterone suppression.
I actually have an entire guide on RAD 140 suppression, so be sure to check it out!
No PCT Bulking Dosage
Please note that this regimen won’t be as effective as the bulking dosage above, but if you’re really hell-bent on avoiding PCT, this is the protocol that you should follow.
Week | RAD 140 | PCT |
1-8 | 5mgs per day | / |
5mgs per day won’t harm anyone and you’ll still enjoy the presence of an exogenous substance working its way up to your androgen receptors.
No PCT Cutting Dosage
We’ll be using the same 5mg dosage as taking any less would diminish the effectiveness of RAD 140.
Week | RAD 140 | PCT |
1-8 | 5mgs per day | / |
You will lose some fat and a bit of weight during this cycle. Most importantly, you’ll keep all of your existing muscle mass.
Safest RAD 140 Dosage
Although no clinical trials confirm this notion, I found 5mgs per day to be the safest RAD 140 dosage around since it doesn’t require PCT while still bestowing you with awesome gains.
Not only that, but the increase in aggression some users experience is also tuned down by quite a bit, so that’s an extra plus.
While I was taking 5mgs per day in my eight-week RAD 140 log, the only adverse effects I experienced were a decrease in some of my natural hormones and a bit of irritability.
Everything else was negligible and I escaped the cycle with eight extra pounds of muscle mass!
I suggest you read the entire article, it’s really informative and gives you a glimpse of what is to come while on a RAD 140 cycle.
What RAD 140 Dosage Should I Take
It mostly depends on your level of experience with RAD 140.
I would start off with 5mgs per day for my first cycle and see how my body handles the compound. Some people are so unfortunate (0,5 – 1% of the general population) that they require PCT even on a 5mg dosage. They get heavily suppressed and experience a myriad of other negative effects.
While this might be quite rare, it tells us that not every man is the same and that some people should really just opt for 2,5mgs per day or even consider dropping RAD 140 altogether.
If you’re an average person reading this and it’s your first time taking RAD 140, start off with 5mgs per day on your first cycle, and if everything goes fine, increase the dosage to 10mgs per day on your next cycle.
The highest dosage I’ve personally imbued is 15mgs per day. It’s awesome for gains during a bulk and you’ll definitely feel like you’re on something while lifting, but the side effects can be daunting.
I would never cross the 15mg per day line as that amount itself is more than enough to help you out in your fitness goals.
Anything more just puts your body in jeopardy and exasperates you as you don’t get that much more out of increasing your RAD 140 dosage.
RAD 140 (Testolone) is a really awesome SARM, it’s a shame that more human studies weren’t done on it, since it performs so well when it comes to building muscle mass and strength.
10mgs per day seems to be the sweet spot for oral consumption, but if you want to avoid doing PCT, I suggest opting for the 5mgs per day dosage.
One has to consider that women were given up to 150mgs of RAD 140 per day and the only side effects they’ve experienced were elevated ALT/AST levels, constipation and a low level of phosphate in the blood.
The paper also cites weight loss as an additional side effect, which is understandable considering the condition the women were in, but for bodybuilders, that should be an extra plus.
To conclude, RAD 140 is as safe as it can get, especially when you look at the dosages I recommend, which hover between 5 to 15mgs per day.
Ensure that your RAD 140 is pure by buying it from one of my recommended stores!