If you’ve never taken RAD 140 before, you’re naturally curious as to what your results will look like after a cycle or two.
This is exactly why this article has been written, to show you some RAD 140 before and after results with pics, so that you can accurately gauge what will happen to your body during a cycle.

Let’s start off by introducing this potent compound.
RAD 140 Summary
RAD 140 is a SARM known for providing the user with some of the best dry gains out there.
It is also one of the best SARMs for increasing strength.
Despite only being a partial agonist of the androgen receptor, RAD 140 is still quite suppressive and at higher dosages, PCT is most definitely needed.
The purported benefits of RAD 140 are:
- Increased muscle mass
- Increased strength
- Increased vascularity
- Reduced prostate size
- Increased fat loss
RAD 140 also has some side effects to its name, with the two biggest concerns being an increase in irritability and aggression. Testosterone suppression will also be present.
All of these adverse effects are manageable provided you’re properly acquainted with them.
Learn everything there is to know about this SARM in my RAD 140 review!
RAD 140 Results With Before And After Pics
Now it’s time to get to the crux of this article.
We will explore eight different transformations of people who have taken RAD 140.
If you would also like your RAD 140 results to be featured, please consider contacting me.
Before showing you any pictures or results, we have to get one thing clear: RAD 140 won’t be able to do the job alone.
In the end, you can consider it as a tonic, something that bestows you with more power to change yourself into a better version, but you have to do the grunt work.
None of the following people you’ll meet got where they are today by being a couch potato, so please keep that in mind before getting any wrong ideas about RAD 140 or SARMs in general.
Presenting an accurate picture of SARMs has always been my goal and that remains unchanged after all these years.
This means that the results you see below are achievable by hard work alone, but it would take the people in question two or three times the amount of time to get to where they are now without RAD 140.
RAD 140 Results #1

As we can see from the picture, the subject gained around 8 pounds of muscle mass and his entire upper body obtained a more defined look.
Note the muscle increase on the biceps, the firmness of his shoulders and the increased vascularity.
Overall, this is a perfect representation of what an average eight-week cycle does to a person, so long you keep up with your diet and exercise routine.
His cycle:
Week | RAD 140 | PCT |
1-8 | 10mgs per day | / |
The person in question was lucky enough to not need PCT for his cycle. However, I do recommend PCT for four weeks on RAD 140 at dosages of 10mgs or more.
Refer to my RAD 140 PCT guide for more information!
RAD 140 Results #2

At first glance, this person didn’t change much, but what we have to take into consideration is the fact that he was already ripped in the first place.
Looking at the picture with a trained eye, we can notice that he gained about five to six pounds of muscle mass, his vascularity is also a lot more pronounced, shoulders are a bit broader and the chest area is more defined.
All in all, great results for someone who had an impressive physique in the first place. The thing is, once you reach a certain level of body fat percentage and muscle mass, the grind becomes quite hard.
His cycle:
Week | RAD 140 | PCT (Clomid) |
1-8 | 10mgs per day | / |
8-10 | / | 50mgs per day |
10-12 | / | 25mgs per day |
As you can see, a four-week PCT was warranted as the subject got quite suppressed near the end of his cycle.
RAD 140 Results #3 (+ MK-677)

Stacking RAD 140 with MK-677 is never a bad choice and we can see that from the pictures above.
Pay special heed to his arms – the increase is huge! It looks to me like he doubled the size of his biceps in just a couple of weeks.
All the other parts of his body are also definitely more pronounced, just take a look at his wrists, stomach, shoulders and neck area – all of them have experienced a marked increase!
If I had to judge how many pounds this person gained, I would say around 15 to 20. I know it sounds insane, but the pictures speak for themselves. The biceps alone probably account for at least 6 to 7 pounds.
His cycle:
Week | RAD 140 | MK-677 | PCT |
1-8 | 10mgs per day | 25mgs per day | / |
8-12 | / | 25mgs per day | / |
This is an excellent example of utilizing the power of MK-677 as a PCT. Not only does the bodybuilder in question avoid some of the negative effects of SERMs, but he also gets to reap the benefits of MK-677!
RAD 140 Results #4 (+ Cardarine)

This is a complete body recomp, just look at how much more muscular the person in the after picture looks, almost like it’s a completely different person.
It’s pretty clear that this guy lost at least 5% of his total body fat and gained around 7 to 10 pounds of muscle mass.
Another great transformation which would have been impossible without proper dieting, kudos to this bodybuilder!
His cycle:
Week | RAD 140 | Cardarine | PCT |
1-8 | 10mgs per day | 15mgs per day | / |
This person didn’t feel the suppression of RAD 140 so he skipped out on PCT.
I actually have an entire article on how to properly utilize RAD 140 and Cardarine to maximize your gains, so be sure to check it out!
RAD 140 Results #5

The person in question only took RAD 140 for six weeks, since it was his first time and he was concerned about side effects.
Luckily for him, he didn’t experience any adverse effects and managed to finish his cycle without problems.
We don’t see that much of a transformation here, but the results are definitely noticeable.
Main areas where improvement is visible are his chest area, bicep and shoulder width.
His cycle:
Week | RAD 140 | PCT |
1-6 | 10mgs per day | / |
Last thing to mention is that this bodybuilder didn’t do PCT, since it wasn’t needed considering his cycle length.
RAD 140 Results #6

This bodybuilder has obviously used RAD 140 for a bulk and the results are clearly visible.
Note how much more swole this person looks on the right picture. It’s clear as day that he took his cycle seriously.
This is where proper dieting and a bit of a kick from RAD 140 gets you.
Simply amazing, he lost at least 6% of his total body fat and gained around 7 to 8 pounds of muscle mass.
Given the shorter frame of this person, the results are even more pronounced!
His cycle:
Week | RAD 140 | PCT (Clomid) |
1-8 | 15mgs per day | / |
8-10 | / | 50mgs per day |
10-12 | / | 25mgs per day |
Taking 15mgs of RAD 140 every day for eight weeks will suppress you quite a bit, and that’s why Clomid is used to alleviate the negative effects of Testosterone suppression, as it is the strongest and most effective SERM for the job.
RAD 140 Results #7 (+ Stenabolic)

This is a great stack for a cut and the person on the picture clearly knew what he was doing before he took on the challenge.
He lost around 5 to 6 pounds of weight, around 5% of his total body fat and most importantly, preserved all of his muscle. It might seem like he even gained some muscle as well, but speaking from experience, that’s not the case. It’s just an illusion created by the fact that the person in question is now leaner.
Stenabolic is especially viable during a cut, as you’re able to shed off excess weight with ease thanks to the boost in cardio this compound brings to the table.
His cycle:
Week | RAD 140 | Stenabolic | PCT |
1-8 | 5mgs per day | 30mgs per day | / |
No PCT was needed as only 5mgs of RAD 140 was imbued.
RAD 140 Results #8

Here we can see what happens when someone takes the plunge and goes all out.
Note: This is not recommended for beginners and is potentially dangerous.
We can see an increase of around eight to ten pounds of muscle mass and a loss of about 6% of his total body fat.
There isn’t a part of his body which hasn’t improved in some way, so this is what we call a complete transformation.
His cycle:
Week | RAD 140 | PCT (Clomid) |
1-8 | 20mgs per day | / |
8-12 | / | 50mgs per day |
12-14 | / | 25mgs per day |
This bodybuilder did PCT with Clomid for six weeks. This is a bit uncommon, but it was probably necessary as one month is simply not enough to recover from 20mgs of RAD 140 per day.
My RAD 140 Results
I will now be revealing my own RAD 140 before and after results.
Before starting, I would just like to say that I’ve done multiple successful cycles with RAD 140 in the past, and I never had any bigger issues with it.
This compound might not be as researched as some other SARMs, but it still safe and effective.
If you’re interested in a week-to-week breakdown of my RAD 140 cycle, check out my eight-week RAD 140 log.
Here is a table representing the details of my cycle:
Week | RAD 140 | PCT |
1-8 | 5mgs per day | / |
For starters, what has to be mentioned is that the hidden power of RAD 140 comes in the strength boost you receive. It’s insane how much more powerful it makes you and the sort of pump it gives you is just crazy.
The first time I felt like I was on something with RAD 140 was around the two-week mark. I remember lifting my usual weights and feeling bored, not because of the routine, but because the weights were too easy to lift!
It was at that point that I realized that RAD 140 would propel me into new heights.
Muscle Gain
Let’s talk a bit about muscle gain: It was a gradual process from the beginning, and I remember gaining, on average, around a pound of muscle mass for every week of training.
Looking at my muscles near the eight-week mark, I felt ready for a contest! They were toned, well-defined and hard to the touch.
Fat Loss
Moving on, the next thing I noticed was fat loss. I always had issues with shedding off abdominal fat, but with the help of RAD 140, it became a breeze.
It was absolutely unbelievable.
I was losing around 1% of my total body fat every two weeks and it showed no signs of stopping, even when I was nearing the end of my cycle.
Last but not least, the vascularity. I could write a book just about that. I felt like a real man whilst looking at myself in the mirror, and the furtive glances of the ladies helped propel my confidence.
I opted for a weaker dosage of just 5mgs per day as to avoid PCT, but even at that dosage, my gains were really good.
The only side effect I experienced on a 5mg dosage was irritability – I would sometimes snap without reason and that bothered me a bit.
Other than that, it was smooth sailing!
RAD 140 showed me the true strength of SARMs and in my opinion, bodybuilders looking to improve their physique should jump in on the opportunity and hop on a cycle themselves.
Tips To Get The Best Results
After doing a few cycles with RAD 140, I can confidently assert that the following three tips will make your cycle miles better:
- Watch your diet and exercise regularly
- Take RAD 140 an hour before going to the gym
- Buy pure RAD 140 from a trusted vendor
The last point is the most important one – If your RAD 140 is bunk, you can toss your entire cycle into the bin. Not only that, but you put yourself at risk of nasty side effects and increase the chances of suffering from life-threatening conditions.
I hope that these eight RAD 140 before and after results with pics have inspired you to start your own cycle with this SARM.
Although there is just one human study backing RAD 140, there are tons of anecdotal reports of people imbuing it and insofar, this SARM has shown itself to be very safe, well-tolerated and quite effective.
If you train hard and keep your diet in check, the results you’ve seen above are not out of reach and who knows, maybe one day your pictures could also be added into this article!
To conclude, RAD 140 is a fat-burning, muscle-building, vascularity-inducing machine!
I recommend it to anyone trying to bring their bodybuilding to the next level.