All the MK-677 before and after results with pics shown here are from real people from all walks of life.
If you have some MK-677 before and after pics that you would like to see published here, please consider contacting me.

This article will aim to show you exactly how to undergo a MK-677 transformation.
Last but not least, if you want to learn more about the kind of results you can get with SARMs, read my SARMs before and after results article.
MK-677 Summary
MK-677 or Ibutamoren is a compound known to potentiate the secretion of the growth hormone.
It achieves that task by imitating the actions of another important hormone called ghrelin.
Ghrelin affects many bodily functions, such as sleep, inflammation, learning, memory and energy input/output.
Besides that, Ibutamoren also increases the levels of IGF-1 in our body, which have been shown to increase muscle mass and much more!
If you would like to learn more about this compound, be sure to read my MK-677 review.
MK-677 Results With Before And After Pics
I will show you seven examples of people that have either taken MK-677 alone or in a stack with SARMs.
Ibutamoren works great for a bulk since it stimulates hunger in users.
Conversely, it doesn’t really do much during a cut, as you’re left with terrible hunger pangs.
Remember that you have to keep your diet and exercise routines in check if you want to have any luck with MK-677.
Hard work is necessary to succeed!
MK-677 Results #1

Here we see a very nice example of what happens when you take MK-677 on its own.
This person gained around 6 pounds of muscle mass, which is a very impressive feat on MK-677.
We can also see that his chest area and shoulders improved massively, and he looks properly defined now.
Overall, a decent transformation.
His cycle:
Week |
MK-677 |
1-12 |
25mgs per day |
/ |
MK-677 doesn’t require PCT as it isn’t androgenic. Moreover, as we’ll later see, it is actually utilized as a PCT itself.
MK-677 Results #2 (+ Ligandrol)

A very popular stack used by bodybuilders worldwide.
We see a good increase in bicep size, his entire body looks stronger and bulkier, so this was a successful cycle.
If I had to guess, this bodybuilder gained around ten pounds of weight, out of which seven pounds were muscle mass.
The other three pounds were probably gained due to water retention.
All in all, great results!
His cycle:
Week | Ligandrol | MK-677 | PCT |
1-8 | 5mgs per day | 25mgs per day | / |
8-12 | / | 25mgs per day | / |
This is a very good example of using MK-677 as a PCT. While it might not be as powerful as traditional SERMs, it does the job just right when mild suppression is concerned.
MK-677 Results #3 (+RAD 140)

A very impressive cycle by this person!
We can see that the presence of RAD 140 dominated the playing field, but MK-677 helped out as well.
Look at the vascularity in the right picture, simply amazing.
This person gained around eight pounds of muscle mass and lost 5% of his total body fat.
They also obtained an impressive six pack and improved every inch of their body simultaneously, in just eight weeks!
Their cycle:
Week | RAD 140 | MK-677 | PCT |
1-8 | 10mgs per day | 25mgs per day | / |
8-12 | / | 25mgs per day | / |
While 10mgs of RAD 140 per day might seem like a lot, this bodybuilder only experienced mild suppression, opting for a four-week PCT with MK-677 instead.
This person didn’t experience any issues during his cycle.
MK-677 Results #4

Now these are the types of results one likes to see!
He gained around 15 pounds of weight, most of it being muscle mass and transformed his body into a beast.
Notice the increased vascularity on the arms!
Shoulder width improved by a lot, chest area looks much better and we even have a six pack on our hands!
Awesome cycle by an intermediate bodybuilder.
His cycle:
Week | MK-677 | PCT |
1-12 | 25mgs per day | / |
Twelve weeks might seem like a lot, but some people use MK-677 for years without issues, so this isn’t that much of a problem.
MK-677 Results #5 (+ YK11)

We’re stepping into big boy territory now!
I know this guy personally, he always had issues putting on muscle and weight, proclaiming himself a hardgainer.
Well, look at what one cycle with YK11 and MK-677 can do – he gained 15 pounds of muscle mass and completely turned his life around!
Look at how much fuller and more defined his body looks now.
His cycle:
Week | YK11 | MK-677 | PCT (Clomid) |
1-8 | 10mgs per day | 25mgs per day | / |
8-10 | / | / | 50mgs per day |
10-12 | / | / | 25mgs per day |
MK-677 couldn’t handle the heat this time and Clomid had to step in. You can’t do a cycle with YK11 without SERMs, it’s near impossible.
MK-677 Results #6 (+ S23)

Another potent cycle with dramatic results!
This person transformed himself from a skinny slender man into a proper bodybuilder.
Looking at the picture, I estimate that he gained about 20 pounds of weight, with at least 15 of it being muscle mass spread throughout his body.
Arms look much thicker, sturdier and fuller.
Chest area has improved massively, along with shoulder width.
Biceps and wrists look much bigger in the after picture.
His cycle:
Week | S23 | MK-677 | PCT (Clomid) |
1-8 | 10mgs per day | 25mgs per day | / |
8-10 | / | / | 50mgs per day |
10-12 | / | / | 25mgs per day |
A proper PCT with Clomid was once again necessary to offset the negative effects of S23.
Luckily, this bodybuilder recovered within a month and kept all of his gains!
MK-677 Results #7

This woman took Ibutamoren mainly as a way to gain weight, but she got way more out of it.
Not only did she gain around six pounds of weight, she also increased the amount of muscle mass in her thighs.
Her backside is looking a lot firmer, stomach is also more refined.
All in all, great results for her first cycle!
Her cycle:
Week | MK-677 | PCT |
1-8 | 10mgs per day | / |
10mgs per day is a great dosage for women, enabling them to achieve most of their fitness goals in just one eight-week cycle.
My MK-677 Results
My MK-677 before and after results were nothing short of amazing.
I’ve been using this compound on and off for the last five years, and it has helped so much, especially when it comes to sleep, recovery, weight gain and the health of my skin and hair.
Ibutamoren works even better when you exercise well and eat right.
I once took it for twelve weeks, if you’re interested in reading about that experience, check out my MK-677 log.
With that being said, here are all the juicy details I noticed from taking MK-677 at a 25mg per day dosage.
Muscle Mass
I gained around 5 pounds of muscle mass from taking MK-677 for twelve weeks. It isn’t much but is more than enough to warrant the usage of this compound.
Weight Gain
MK-677 makes you ravenous when it comes to food, and many ectomorphs could benefit from imbuing this compound as it’s so easy to put on weight while on it.
I’ve gained around 10 pounds while on MK-677. Admittedly, some of it was from the water retention experienced, but it was nothing serious.
Recovery Times
As I got older, so did my muscles complain more after a workout. MK-677 seems to soothe inflammation in the body and while on a cycle, I could practically visit the gym every day without issue.
Memory And Learning
I’m not sure if this is a placebo or if Ibutamoren really helps with cognition, but I did notice my memory getting a bit sharper whilst on a cycle. This is probably due to the increased ghrelin in the body, which harbors benefits similar to nootropics.
Secondary Benefits
Sleep is a big one, I’m a messy sleeper and always had trouble with getting my prescribed eight hours at night. MK-677 makes me fall asleep like a baby and not only that, the dreams are vivid, and I quite enjoy them. Sometimes, they even turn into lucid dreams and I get to enact my wildest fantasies…
My skin and hair also took a giant swing for the better since I started imbuing MK-677.
My hair feels stronger and shinier.
My skin is more elastic, and it has a soft sheen to it.
The great thing about MK-677 is that you won’t be needing PCT for it. Moreover, as we saw from some previous examples, people actually use it as a substitute for PCT!
Not only that, but cycle lengths aren’t that strict compared to other compounds. Some people have been using Ibutamoren for years without fail (mostly for sleep) and they didn’t report any issues.
To conclude, MK-677 is a great compound for weight loss. Its secondary benefits are also nothing to miss out on.
Overall, a great compound which can completely change the tide of your life.
Tips To Get The Best Results
The tips you’re about to see are a result of my experience with MK-677 and the studies performed on it.
- If you want to avoid increased hunger, take it at night
- If you want to be hungrier, take it in the morning
- Lower your dosage if you experience side effects
- Drink more water to avoid water retention while on cycle
- Stick to my recommended dosages and guidelines
- Exercise regularly and eat right
- Buy pure, unadulterated MK-677 from vetted vendors
Purity is the most important factor in the success of your cycle.
People who have bought underdosed or impure MK-677 have quickly learned their lesson, as some have been hospitalized, while others wallowed in pain.
I’ve shown you 7 great MK-677 before and after results.
Now, it’s time for you to seriously consider starting your own cycle with MK-677.
The sky is the limit with Ibutamoren, as you can stack it or take it alone and the results never seem to disappoint.
All in all, countless people who’ve participated in studies on MK-677 have successfully changed their lives for the better.
This makes this compound safe, effective and well-researched, so there is nothing to worry about.
Good luck and be sure to keep me updated if you take any before and after pictures!