Cardarine is not a SARM and therefore doesn’t affect androgen receptors in the body. This fact alone leads many people to believe that they can just go ham on the dosages, since no Testosterone suppression is experienced.
This assumption is wrong for a couple of reasons, mainly because Cardarine, in higher dosages, negatively acts on liver enzymes, potentially causing liver fibrosis if you’re not careful.

To avoid such a fate and to get the most out of Cardarine, I’ve written this short guide to aid you in your research.
Let’s take a closer glimpse at Cardarine before entertaining ourselves with the dosages consumed!
Cardarine Summary
Cardarine acts on the PPAR-delta receptors in the body, changing the way our liver works, essentially turning into a fat-burning machine.
PPAR-delta is a hormone that is considered to be an exercise mimetic, which should technically mean that an increased amount of it in the body should produce the same benefits as exercise itself.
Cardarine has been shown to drastically increase endurance, improve our lipid profile, stop the breakdown of lean muscle tissue and encourage fat loss.
If you’re interested in learning more about Cardarine, please check out our full Cardarine review.
Cardarine Half-Life
In all the trials performed both in vivo and in vitro, Cardarine has been administered in a once a day protocol.
Actual research exists on the half-life of Cardarine in humans, so we can safely claim it to be 24 hours.
Anecdotal evidence also seems to suggest that it’s best taken once a day and that such a regimen produces the most optimal results.
If you’re interested in reading more about this topic, please check out our Cardarine Half-Life article.
Dosages Used In Studies And Human Trials
Scientists and researchers administered dosages ranging from 2,5mgs to 10mgs a day in humans.
No adverse effects were noted on such dosages and Cardarine has been tolerated very well by all the study participants.
This tells us that Cardarine doesn’t really have any side effects when used in dosages of up to 10mgs.
Is Cardarine Safe?
In 2007, the company behind Cardarine, GlixoSmithKline conducted a very controversial study where they injected mice susceptible to cancer with above-average dosages of Cardarine.
That study concluded that Cardarine caused tumor development in numerous Wistar Han rats, leading the company to abandon Cardarine.
There is a reason why this study has been dubbed as controversial and why it’s factually wrong.
You can read more about it here.
Basically, the study is wrong on so many levels and further research has shown Cardarine to actually have anti-cancer properties!
Cardarine Bulking Dosage + Example Cycle
Cardarine works best in combination with SARMs, hence the reason why many confuse it with SARMs in the first place.
You will almost never read about Cardarine in bodybuilding literature without it being mixed with another SARM.
The reason behind that is because Cardarine enjoys high synergy with SARMs.
When it comes to bulking, I personally recommend a stack of RAD140 and Cardarine.
Example of a bulking cycle:
Week | RAD140 | Cardarine | PCT |
1-8 | 10mgs a day | 15mgs a day | Maybe |
Be sure to have PCT nearby as it is quite unclear whether you’ll actually need it.
Some people can handle 10mgs of RAD140 a day without any issues and that’s why it’s a big maybe whether you’ll need PCT or not.
If you do get suppressed or if you feel like you require PCT for any other reason, follow this table:
Week | RAD140 | Cardarine | PCT (Nolvadex) |
1-8 | 10mgs a day | 15mgs a day | / |
8-10 | / | / | 40mgs a day |
10-12 | / | / | 20mgs a day |
However, if you feel fine after your eight-week cycle, simply stop using the two compounds in question and start your off-cycle. Let it last for at least 8 to 16 weeks.
I actually have an entire guide written on this stack, if you want to have a look at it, please check out our RAD 140 – Cardarine stack guide.
Cardarine Cutting Dosage + Example Cycle
Once again, we’re going to mix Cardarine with another SARM to achieve the best results possible.
This time, it’s going to be Ostarine, a relatively mild SARM which won’t warrant the usage of PCT.
Example of a cutting cycle:
Week |
Ostarine |
Cardarine |
1-8 |
15mgs a day |
10mgs a day |
/ |
As you can see, PCT is not really needed for such a stack. In rare instances where you do actually get suppressed from Ostarine, I simply recommend cutting its dosage in half (from 15mgs of Ostarine a day to 7,5mgs a day).
If you’re interested in the results you can get from this stack, as well as some other tips and tricks, check out our Ostarine – Cardarine stack guide.
No PCT Cardarine Dosage
If you want to be 100% sure that you will not need PCT for your Cardarine cycle, I simply recommend taking it on its own. This is a great option for newbies that don’t want to complicate things, but still want the extra kick from an exogenous substance.
You do lose out on the extra boost SARMs bring to the table in that case, but on the plus side, you safeguard yourself from Testosterone suppression.
No PCT Bulking Dosage
Simply take 15mgs of Cardarine per day for eight weeks and you should do just fine.
Week | Cardarine | PCT |
1-8 | 15mgs a day | / |
Don’t expect any big gains from such a regimen, as you lack the muscle-building properties of SARMs to really notice a difference.
However, you will lose some fat and gain a bit of mass provided you keep your diet and exercise routines in check.
No PCT Cutting Dosage
10mgs of Cardarine for eight weeks is plenty enough to do the job.
Week | Cardarine | PCT |
1-8 | 10mgs a day | / |
Users report losing quite a bit of fat and weight on this protocol. You will also keep all of your existing muscle mass so that’s an extra plus!
Safest Cardarine Dosage
For all intents and purposes, Cardarine has shown itself to be quite safe and well-tolerated in dosages of up to 10mgs a day.
We’re not just talking about one study here, but at least four separate studies on humans (with placebos) were conducted showing its safety profile to be exemplary and the substance itself to be mild on the body.
People from all walks of life have joined these studies, meaning that no matter your age, gender or genetic make-up, Cardarine will not cause any issues!
Some bodybuilders feel like they should be extra safe and opt for 5mgs of Cardarine a day. I personally disagree with this notion as such a small amount has little to show for in the body, especially if you’re over 200 pounds.
However, if you’re a woman and are just dipping your toes in the world of Cardarine, 5mgs a day should be fine provided you weigh less than 150 pounds.
The safest (and most effective) Cardarine dosage is 10mgs a day taken for eight weeks, either alone or in combination with another SARM.
Please note that SARMs are a topic in themselves and that we’re not going to spend time talking about their safety profile here.
What Cardarine Dosage Should I Take
As I already said in the previous section, for a male, anything less than 10mgs a day would probably act more as a placebo rather than a substance.
The absolute best choice is to just consume 10mgs a day as this dosage has been proven to be safe and effective.
However, if you are bulking as a male, 15mgs a day is fine and shouldn’t cause any trouble.
If you’re a woman and feel like 10mgs would be too much for you, halve the dosage and see how you feel during the first two weeks of your cycle.
If you don’t notice any improvements, feel free to increase the dosage to 10mgs a day.
Cardarine is probably one of the best substances for enhancing endurance on the planet right now.
Its effectiveness has been proven time and time again, with no side effects experienced by any of the study participants.
A dosage of 10mgs a day is the perfect amount to go for and when combined with SARMs, Cardarine really begins to shine!
All in all, science is on our side saying that Cardarine is safe and I’ve used it multiple times in the past without issue so there is nothing to worry about.
Lastly, remember to purchase your Cardarine from a trusted source, as choosing the wrong company is the only thing that could stymie you from the awesome gains Cardarine brings to the table!