SARMs Europe | Best Company to Buy SARMs In Europe From

In this article, we will go over SARMs in Europe. More specifically, we will go over the legality of SARMs in Europe as well as go over the company that I recommend as the best company to buy SARMs from if you are European.

We will also cover MK 677 and Cardarine in Europe – legality and the best place to buy them from.

For anyone that just wants to get to the point and wants to know the best company to buy SARMs in Europe from right away:

Let’s start off by firstly explaining the legality of SARMs, MK 677 and Cardarine in Europe.

Keep in mind, the laws regarding the legality of SARMs, MK 677 and Cardarine are the same in every European country as of 2020.

Are SARMs legal in Europe

Let’s clear this up from the beginning:

As of 2020, all SARMs are legal in every European country. You are 100% allowed to buy and use all SARMs in Europe and you won’t be getting into any kind of trouble by ordering or using them.

It’s a bit different in sports though. SARMs are prohibited by all European sports bodies because of the obvious unfair advantages that they provide.

Is MK 677 legal in Europe

Even though MK 677 is not actually a SARM, a lot of people talk about it when they talk about SARMs. Because of this, I feel like I should go over the legality of MK 677 (Ibutamoren) as well.

MK 677 is legal to buy and use in every European country as of 2020. You won’t be getting into any kind of trouble by buying and using this compound in Europe.

Keep in mind that MK 677 is listed as a prohibited substance by almost all sports bodies and is banned by the USADA (the United States Anti Doping Agency) as well as the WADA (World Anti Doping Agency). This is because of the obvious unfair advantages in professional sports.

If you want to know more information about this compound, read my in-depth MK 677 guide.

Is Cardarine Legal in Europe

Similar to MK 677, Cardarine is not a SARM, but a lot of people talk about it when they talk about SARMs. Because of this, I decided to go over the legality of Cardarine as well.

Cardarine (GW 50156) is legal to buy and use in every European country as of 2020. You 100% won’t be getting into any kind of trouble by buying or using this compound.

Keep in mind that Cardarine is listed as a prohibited substance by almost all sports bodies and is banned by the USADA (the United States Anti Doping Agency) as well as the WADA (World Anti Doping Agency). This is because of the obvious unfair advantages that it provides in professional sports.

If you want to know more information about this compound, read my in-depth Cardarine guide.

Buy SARMs Europe – recommended company

I actually live in Europe and spend my summers in Australia. Because of this, I personally tested the products of almost all SARMs companies in the world in the past few years. Now, I have a good idea of what products different SARMs companies sell.

Not only that, but I also consider other factors when I recommend a company.

My criteria for the best European SARMs company:

  • Shipping time (under a week)
  • Sells high-quality, pure SARMs that were recently lab tested (the most important)
  • Reviews

Now before I reveal which company I recommend that you buy your SARMs from in Europe, let’s go over why buying pure, high-quality SARMs is so important.

choose your SARMs company wisely

Sadly, some companies sell bunk, underdosed SARMs that are often spiked with other substances. They do this to earn more money because it lowers their manufacturing costs.

This obviously makes the product less effective and gives it a ton of potential side effects. One of the most common is hair loss.

So the best thing you can do to ensure great results on your SARM cycle is to buy high-quality, real, pure products.

Now, let’s finally reveal my recommended company for buying SARMs in Europe.

Buy SARMs Europe – My recommendation

This is my recommended company to buy SARMs in Europe from:

I use their products for all of my cycles and I get great results from them without any unnecessary side effects.

Now, let’s go over the reasons why I believe that this company is the best when it comes to buying SARMs. Especially if you are from Europe.

Why do I recommend them

Other than great reviews and my amazing experiences with their SARMs and other compounds, I recommend them for three main reasons:

High-quality, pure products

Obviously, it’s very important that your SARMs company sell high-quality, pure products so that you get great results without any unnecessary side effects.

As you can see in the lab test below, my recommended company sells SARMs with over 98% purity.

RAD140 purity test

Fast shipping times

A lot of SARMs companies that ship to Europe takes ages to deliver. My recommended SARMs company, however, always delivers within 7 days.

Money-back guarantee

The best thing about my recommended SARMs company is that they have a money-back guarantee policy.

So basically, if your order gets lost or damaged, you get your money back!


In conclusion, SARMs, MK 677 and Cardarine are 100% legal to buy and use in Europe. They are, however, prohibited in professional sports.

It’s very important that you buy high-quality, pure SARMs, to get the best results and to avoid the side effects. I recommend that you buy your SARMs, MK 677 and Cardarine from my recommended company. They have pure compounds, fast shipping times and even a money-back guarantee policy if you aren’t satisfied with your products.

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